Line Item Header Navigation
Release Date Feb 24, 2025
Any user who is viewing a line item
Easy to access information that is most pertinent to a line item
I want to quickly understand the status of my line item, so I look at the header information
The line item view header provides a concise summary of the line item. This document breaks down all functionality that can be found in the top area of the line item view.
Back to Line Items
Clicking < Back to Line Items in the upper left side will take the user back to the line items table. It should take the user back to the last view they were on. For example, if the user was on a saved view, clicked on a line item then clicked “back to line items” it would take them directly back to that saved view.
Hierarchy Navigation
In the upper right-hand corner, this will show the user the Partner, Division, and Advertiser the line item is associated with. Hovering over the hierarchy will show the Hierarchy: Hierarchy Name
. For admin users, they can click on it and be taken to the settings page. This is view only for admin users.
Clicking the ellipsis in the upper right-hand corner opens up the option for users to view additional navigation.
View Report takes them to the advertiser-level report in a new tab
Line Item History opens the history log modal (more information here)
Move Line Item (only available to admin-level users with permission, reach out to Support with questions)
The flagging system is used to notify users if attention is needed on a line item. To understand how our internal team utilizes flagging, view this article.
Please note all statuses require a manual update except for awaiting response which gets added automatically when an external user sends a message.
Statuses represent to users where their line items live in the lifecycle of their campaigns. When an order is created it comes in as “new” and after that, all status changes require a manual update. To understand how our internal team utilizes statuses, view this article.
Additional Metatdata
Product - The product associated with the line item
There can only ever be one product associated with the line item. If there is a custom naming on the product for that hierarchy, it will be displayed here.
ID - the ID on the line item cannot be updated and is unique to that line item.
Order - The order name can be clicked on and will bring the user up to the parent order.
Start/End Date - This consists of the earliest start date and latest end date of all underlying allocations. It is the run date of the entire line item.
Not Included
External users editing anything other than line item name
Navigating to a campaign report from a line item view
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