Email Reporting within Ui.Marketing


The importance of getting email metrics into our data pipeline and NOT using iFrames will provide our partner base with a holistic view of all the data from various platforms in one advertiser rollup. Based on email interviews with partners that use our Email line items the most, the partners are requesting that Email be incorporated with the rest of our platform reports in Ui.Marketing reporting dashboard. Email metrics should be blended with other platforms like TTD, Google Ads, etc. Email should also get it’s on product page like similar platforms with its charts and graphs. Another goal for this set of work is to reduce the number of support tickets and support time/effort for generating email reports for partners.

Email Pacing and Reporting

This feature will allow admin users to link LeadMeMedia Advertisers and Campaigns with Ui.Marketing Advertisers and Line Items. The result of this feature will be the ability to Pace Line Items in Ui.Marketing OMS and view Email Performance Metrics in Ui.Marketing Reporting Dashboard.

Email Link Performance Chart

This feature will allow Ui.Marketing report users to see the number of clicks for hyperlinks within the email send. Email interviews requested that Email Links is a MUST-HAVE for Release in Ui.Marketing

Email Creative Subject Line and Creative Preview

This feature will allow Ui.Marketing report users to see the creative preview with IDs that correspond with the IDs within the Link Performance Chart. Email interviews requested that Email Creative Preview is a MUST-HAVE for Release in Ui.Marketing. Not a MUST-HAVE, but during user interviews we heard that the subject line of the email was important for review of reporting metrics.

functionality not included

  • Geography Chart

  • Device Type Chart

  • Platform Chart

  • Browser Chart

  • Demographic/Audience Chart