Facebook Report

Facebook Report

Accessing Social Media Reporting

Social Media Reporting Charts


The Snapshot Chart will show a high-level overview of the Advertiser, Campaign, or Ad Group you are viewing. This chart changes based on the product chosen in the sidebar.

The snapshot boxes will give a high-level summary of an advertiser, campaign or ad group's performance. The boxes that show will vary per product.

Period over Period data is also available on this report, which shows how your performance compares to the performance of a previous time frame.

The period-over-period analysis (PoP) compares the data in the date ranges selected to the same period of time in the past. For example, if your date ranges are Aug 1-31 the period-over-period analysis would be comparing data that ran July 1-31 (the previous 31 days)

Please note that this data can be shown or hidden in the shareable link and PDF.

Data by Timeframe

The data by time frame chart allows users to see their performance on a daily or weekly basis across the time frame selected.

Click the dropdowns to choose the data points to compare. In addition, you can toggle to view the metrics broken out by week if you are viewing a report longer than 21 days.

Performance by Campaign

The performance table will give a breakdown of the underlying campaigns or ad groups based on the selections made in the sidebar. The performance table does change based on product and other selections made in the sidebar.

  • Performance by Campaign (Advertiser View)

  • Performance by Ad Groups (Campaign View)

  • Performance by Ad Group (Ad Group View)

Performance by Campaign:

The performance by campaign table can be viewed on the advertiser level and shows how the individual underlying campaigns under that advertiser are performing. Only the campaigns for the selected product will show, and the columns displayed will change based on the product selected.

Performance by Ad Groups:

The performance by Ad Groups table can be viewed on the campaign level and shows how the underlying ad groups under that campaign are performing. Only the ad groups for the selected product will show, and the columns displayed will change based on the product selected.

Performance by Ad Group:

The performance by Ad Group table can be viewed on the ad group level and shows how that specific ad group is performing. Only the ad group for selected product will show, and the columns displayed will change based on the product selected.


Designated Marketing Area (DMA) reporting is used to see the locations your advertisements are serving in and how those ads are performing in each DMA.

  • Designated Marketing Areas (DMA)- DMA (Designated Market Area) regions are the geographic areas in the U.S. in which local television viewing is measured by Nielsen. DMA data is essential for any marketer, researcher or organization seeking to use standardized geographic areas within their business. A DMA region is a group of counties and zip codes that form an exclusive geographic area in which the home market television stations hold a dominance of total hours viewed. There are 210 DMA regions, covering the entire continental U.S., Hawaii, and parts of Alaska. DMA boundaries and data are solely owned and exclusive to Nielsen.

    • Certain DMAs can target more than one state. For example, the Denver DMA includes Utah, Wyoming, and possibly other states.

    • Facebook currently does not provide specific zip code reporting.

Navigating the Map:

The map displayed on this component is interactive and can be moved around based on user preference. 

  • To zoom in and out of the map, ensure your cursor is hovering over the map and use your mouse scroll to adjust the view.

  • To move the map around, click on an area of the map, and while holding the selection drag and drop the map around. 

Geography Table:

The table below the map will show all of your locations with corresponding impressions, clicks, and CTR per DMA.

  • The table is scrollable, users can sift through all locations and data points.

  • Totals for all impressions, clicks, and click-through rate for the selected time period display at the bottom of the chart.

  • Each column can be sorted, with the default sort being impressions.


The Engagements table will give a breakdown of the Social Media engagements (Engagements, Shares, Page Likes, Comments, and Video Views) for underlying campaigns or ad groups based on the selections made in the sidebar. The engagements table does change based on product and other selections made in the sidebar. Engagement data is based on the Ad group name. Facebook engagement is defined as any action that someone takes on one of your posts or comments in your ads, groups, or pages. This includes any reactions, comments, shares, as well as link clicks.

  • Advertiser View

  • Campaign View

  • Ad Group View

Advertiser View:

The advertiser view will show all ad group/ad set name engagements for an advertiser.

Campaign View:

The campaign view will show all ad group/ad set name engagements within a selected campaign.

Ad Group View:

The ad group view will show all engagements within a selected ad group/ad set name.

Performance by Creative

Creative Reporting is used to view all creatives running during the time period selected for that specific advertiser, campaign, or ad group and product selected in the sidebar. Use the creative chart to compare how each creative has performed to different data points

  • Display Creatives

  • Video Creatives

Display Creatives:

  • For display/image advertisements, an image icon will show in the preview column. Users can click on the creative name, log into Facebook, and see the preview in a new tab within Facebook.

  • Users can see how their individual ads performed during the time period selected. 

  • Users can view the corresponding impressions, clicks, CTR, and conversions per display advertisement. Each column can be sorted, with impressions being the default sort.

  • Totals will be displayed at the bottom, combining all display creatives for each data point.

Video Creatives:

  • For video advertisements, a video icon will show in the preview column. Users can click on the creative name, log into Facebook, and see the preview in a new tab within Facebook.

Performance by Platform

The Performance by Platform chart gives a breakdown of Impressions, Clicks, and Click-Through Rate between Facebook and Instagram. The chart has the totals numbers for both Facebook and Instagram in the middle of the pie chart as well as the percentage breakdown between them. This will allow users to see the performance difference between both Facebook and Instagram. The Meta (Facebook) platform currently does not provide a breakdown of Conversions between Facebook and Instagram, only total Conversions across the entire Meta (Facebook) platform.

  • Facebook currently does not provide a breakdown of Conversions between Facebook and Instagram


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The Audience chart lists Targeting Elements used for Ads groups within Facebook based on Interests (People who Match), Custom Audiences, and Age groups. Currently, there are no metrics like impressions or clicks associated with the Audience chart.

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