Product Newsletter |
Facebook Reporting |
Enhanced Facebook Reporting is now available in Ui.Marketing! Here's the breakdown of what's new.
Facebook reporting metrics will be included in our advertiser rollup across multiple platforms. If you have any questions, please use our "Submit a ticket" function to receive support from one of our experts. |
Deprecation of Legacy Email Ingests |
We are pushing back the deprecation of legacy email reporting by one month. For certain email redeploy campaigns sent on or after 9/15/22 will no longer exist in our legacy reporting starting 9/22/22. However, we will have new and enhanced metrics for email via a shareable link that will be provided to you after your email campaign has deployed! We are working on a solution to integrate the data into our dashboard in the future. |
Enhanced Help Center for Ui.Marketing |
The support team is moving to a robust “Help Center” to enhance the experience of our partners using Ui.Marketing. On September 1st, 2022, we will adjust our Resource Center with links to easily access our new Help Center and submit IOs. This transition is in preparation for our goal of having one platform (Ui.Marketing) to manage all requests like proposals, orders, and reporting. Please look at this article if you want to sign up early to access articles about Ui.Marketing, or start submitting support tickets through our new Help Center. |
Advertiser Rollup Enhancements |
Users will now have the ability navigate to their LocalSEO metrics from the advertiser rollup page. Previously users could only share the LocalSEO dashboard without the ability to navigate back to the advertiser rollup page. This all can be done from the breadcrumb links on the shared reports. |
09.27.22 - September Product Newsletter