Line Item Ending Reasoning Walkthrough


This feature empowers admin users to provide detailed explanations for line item terminations. When an admin user changes a line item's status to canceled or completed, they will be required to input additional details. This data collection will offer valuable insights into cancellation/completion patterns, reasons, and potential areas for product or service enhancement.

Where does the data live

This line item ending reasoning is stored in DAPI-orders within the order_detail table. The field of resolution_reason provides the reasoning for the cancelation (dropdown in the UI) and the resolution_details provides any additional information the user entered in the optional free form text box.

To access this data for tableau, it is available in tableau_line_item_view, with the added fields resolution_reason and resolution_details that can provide the information needed.


Please note this demo is in the new “card” line item view, however, this same workflow is available in the existing “tab” line item view.

  • Only Admin users have access to change a status on a line item.

  • Users cannot move a status to canceled or complete until a reason is selected

  • Providing information in the free text box is optional

  • If users change the status between complete and canceled, they will need to update their reasoning

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This document was created on 10/8/2024