Your quarterly round-up for all of Ui.Marketing’s internal releases and a sneak peek into what is coming next quarter!
Similar to Bulk Messaging, Admin users can bulk update the requester on multiple line items within an order.
Attachments on line item messages are now restricted to a maximum file size of 1GB. An error message will be displayed for users who exceed this limit.
As of 2/29/24, users are no longer able to access our Legacy Reporting dashboard. Learn more >
Users are now required to follow our new, updated, password requirements:
Minimum of 12 characters in length
At least one lowercase and one uppercase letter
At least one number
At least one non-alpha character
Learn how to reset your password >
Select Admin users, now have an updated Products table and a new modal to edit organizational-level products.
A new search bar has been included to search for advertising products within hierarchies.
Users can now toggle between enabled and disabled products.
There is a new More button that includes the ability to “Add Products” or “Download a CSV” of the product table.
When it comes to editing Organizational-level products, select users now have a new modal instead of in-line editing. In this new modal…
Users will be able to add/remove tiers
Edit Organizational-level rates
Add applicable audience targeting to the product for Proposals and Orders
Products at the Partner-level now have the ability to…
See if a product has been customized as it will be highlighted on the Partner product table.
Reset the rates from “custom” to the AdCellerant traditional rates.
Reach out to Support to update Products.
When a user updates their password, they will now see if that password has been breached on the internet.
Users are now limited to a maximum file size of 5MB for their user profile picture/avatars.
We now offer Microsoft Advertising (formerly Bing) as a product for Search Engine Marketing.
If you are running campaigns outside of AdCellerant, you can now link your Google Ad Manager, Facebook, Microsoft Advertising, and TikTok accounts to Ui.Marketing to have all of your reporting in a single place!
For Alt Network and Facebook reporting, we now have completed views and completion rate metrics!
We have added new channels to our Top Performing Channels chart for Display and Streaming TV products. Some of the channels added were Pac-12 Network, Big Ten Network, NewsNation, and over 30 local TV stations!
In the Product filter, “Bing” will now be called “Microsoft Advertising”.
In the Product filter, “Social” will now be called “Facebook + Instagram”.
Here is a sneak peek at what we have coming for you soon!
Streaming TV Premium and Streaming TV Plus
New PowerPoint Proposal Tool
Report Filtering Updates
Managed Ad Ops
Local SEO Updates
Email Reporting within Ui.Marketing
Stay up to date with all of our releases by reading our Release Notes in our Help Center |
Share the external version of Q1 2024 Product Newsletter with our partners! Here’s the link |