Your quarterly round-up for all of Ui.Marketing’s internal releases as well as a sneak peek into what is coming next quarter!
You asked we listened! A lot of the releases in Q1 were around Orders and feedback from our Operations teams as they begin to transition away from Internal Tools into Orders. Below are just some of the features we released!
You now have the ability to add a new Line Item or delete a new or pending Line Item from an existing Order.
When working on a sold line item, you now have access to the Billing tab to see and adjust the rate type, and rate. This allows users to enter custom rates for specific campaigns if need be.
All users can now download a .csv of a view of the Line Item table. This is great if you need to do any data analysis on your own line items or for partners to quickly access certain Line Items or all of them.
A hover state for the Product in the Order and Line Item filters
When an advertiser is already linked, we show you an error message and which advertiser it is linked to
The Order ID is now available as a column in the Order and Line Item tables
We have officially linked up with our Alt Network DSP for reporting and to link Line Items! While we still have some more work to do in Q2 to completely integrate reporting for the Alt Network users are now able to see and do the following:
Alt Network data now appears in Advertiser Roll Up reports
Alt Network data now has a Snapshot report
Alt Network report can be seen down to the ad group level
We will still have Alt Network reporting available in Additional Reports as this will still contain the geography and creative performance charts.
A link-out to reports for an Order or a Line Item from the table
When did your partner or a specific user log into Ui.Marketing last? Well, now you can see for yourself if you are an internal user!
Now you can create a new advertiser when you are submitting an Order.
Here is a sneak peek at some of what we got coming for you in Q2!
Our new learning management software
More charts for our Alt Network reporting
Review “Under Review” Process
Staring work on external Google Ad Manager integration
Updated Orders Table
Creating users from a Line Item
Move off of Zendesk and Internal Tools