The Snapshot Chart will show a high-level overview of the Advertiser, Campaign, or Ad Group you are viewing. This chart changes based on the product chosen in the sidebar.
TTD (aka The TradeDesk) Snapshot
Our TTD Snapshots breakdown will change based on which Display product you are choosing from:
Display/Geofencing/Native Report
Streaming TV/Pre-roll/Audio Report:
Video Products metrics:
Completed Views: video player started a video and the video played in its entirety
Completion Rate: Completion rate is the number of fully-completed views divided by the number of started views.
Display reporting metrics:
Conversions: The point at which a recipient of a marketing message performs a desired action. In other words, conversion is simply getting someone to respond to your call-to-action.
Google Search Management Snapshot
Added to the SEM snapshot is Conversion Rate, Spend, Cost/Conv., Avg.CPC, Impression Share:
Conversion Rate: on an average of how often an ad interaction leads to a conversion
Spend: The sum of your spending during this period
Cost/Conv: The average cost of a conversion
Avg. CPC: (Average Cost per Click) is the amount you paid for your ads divided by the total clicks
Impression Share: The impressions you received on Google Search sites divided by the estimated amount of impressions that you were eligible to receive