Identity Access Management (IAM)
All external HTTP requests are authenticated against our internal IAM provider. Consequently, all users of our API will require that an account be created within our IAM provider, and you will use this account’s credentials to access our External Orders REST API.
Please contact your AdCellerant representative to create your account.
Auth Token
Once your account has been created, we will provide you with your username and an auth token.
As mentioned in our Identity Access Management (IAM) section, all HTTP requests are authenticated against our internal AIM provider by validating every HTTP request against your account’s credentials. The credentials must be included in the ‘Authorization’ header of your request as defined by the ‘basic’ authorization specification RFC 7617: .
For example:
If the user agent wishes to send the user-id "Aladdin" and password "open sesame," it would use the following header field:
Authorization: Basic XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX==