Sprint U & V Release Notes
On a line item message, users can now see their avatars and there is less white space between messages.
On an Order view, users can now sort specific columns and hover over line item names to display the full line item name.
Users can sort by Status, Start Date, End Date, Flag, and Name columns.
In the Notification Center, the Advertiser name and line item name will show on line item message notifications. Note: These will not appear when a Listener on a line item responds. We hope to have this released soon.
Internal Only: When Admin users create a new rate on a line item, it will auto-fill the previous billing type and rate to help prevent user errors when creating new rates.
Fixed and Updated
Users can now paste a hyperlink into the Link section of the Add Link pop-up in messages.
Messages no longer move/bounce around when an asset is downloaded from messages.
When switching tabs within a Line Item, the attachments will now remain within a draft message.
Users are now able to download files from older line item messages.
Internal Only: Products with more than two goal types no longer have issues saving allocations.
Pre-sales links have now been added to the Account Dashboard. This includes:
Local SEO Scan
Organic SEO Scan
Request Full SEO Scan
Web Development Pre-Sale
Search Engine Marketing Google Audit
Fixed and Updated
The Account Homepage Quick Links area is now visible on all browser screen sizes.
Fixed and Updated
Users can now clone proposals regardless of browser state without creating multiple duplicates.
Fixed and Updated
Internal Only: Admin users are now able to link their advertisers again to a DSP without viewing the organization hierarchy settings.
Products with no updates this sprint
Advertising Products
API Management
See what we released last quarter! What’s New in Q3 2023 [Internal]